Fall 2013: Math 213 - Calculus and Introduction to Differential Equations (Course Description)

Lecture 001: Prof. Owen Sizemore, TR 8:00 - 9:15 AM, B130 Van Vleck (Course Web Page)
Section 301: M 08:50 - 09:40 AM, B325 Van Vleck (Mailing List: math213-301-f13@lists.wisc.edu)
Section 302: W 08:50 - 09:40 AM, B325 Van Vleck (Mailing List: math213-302-f13@lists.wisc.edu)
Section 303: M 09:55 - 10:45 AM, B321 Van Vleck (Mailing List: math213-303-f13@lists.wisc.edu)
Section 304: W 09:55 - 10:45 AM, B321 Van Vleck (Mailing List: math213-304-f13@lists.wisc.edu)
Office Hours: W 3:00 - 5:00 PM, R 9:20 - 10:20 AM, 822 Van Vleck
Homework: Please log in your WebAssign account to access the homework problems.
Assignment1: WebAssign (12 problems); In-class §3.7 1, 3, 37, 40 (click for solutions)
Assignment2: WebAssign (13 problems); In-class §5.4 14, 26, 40, 66 (solutions)
Assignment3: WebAssign (10 problems); In-class §6.1 53, 54, 56, 58 (click for solutions)
Assignment4: WebAssign (7 problems); In-class problems (solutions)
Assignment5: WebAssign (20 problems); In-class §7.3 36, 38, 40, 41 (solutions)
Assignment6: WebAssign (10 problems); In-class problems (solutions)
Assignment8: WebAssign (11 problems); In-class §11.1 39, 40 §11.2 41, 43 (solutions)
Assignment9: WebAssign (6 problems); In-class problems (solutions)
Assignment10: WebAssign (18 problems); In-class §9.3 2, 4, 6, 8
Worksheet for week 4
Worksheet for week 5 (solutions)
Worksheet for week 8 (solutions)
Worksheet for week 9 (solutions)
Worksheet for week 13 (solutions)
Worksheet for week 14
Practice Midterm 1 (solutions to #1, #2, #3, #4, #5)
Review for Midterm 1 (solutions)
Midterm 1 (solutions to #1, #2, #3, #4, #5)
Practice Midterm 2 (solutions to #1, #2-3, #4, #5, #6, #7)
Review for Midterm 2 (solutions) (by Eric Ramos)
Midterm 2 (solutions to #1, #2, #3, #4, #5)
Review for Final - Part I (solutions) (by Eric Ramos)
Review for Final - Part II (solutions)
Student Resources (alternate link)
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  Last updated: 12/10/13